Sunday, February 8, 2009

Debbie Oliver: notice of unprofessional conduct grievance

Debbie Oliver/concerned parties:
This is to inform you that I am filing a professional conduct grievance for the following. (This is in addition to the grade appeal I have filed):
1.) FERPA grievance—I never gave you consent to talk to reporter(s) from The Chronicle of Higher Education regarding my situation. You stated the following to them without getting my consent, which are completely false, therefore, violating my right to confidentiality:
“He got what he earned,” said Ms. Oliver, who added that Mr. Massena’s low grade on the paper was justified because it was “horrendous.”
“He didn’t even have his name or page numbers on it,” she said. Ms. Oliver also denied that she had ignored Mr. Massena in class. “I am not involved in whatever drama was going on at the school,” she said.
2.) DISCRIMINATION: During the final weeks of class, after I won my case against the department, you started a process of relation which included ignoring me in class, grading me harshly, and asking me for electronic copies of my paper to run it in TURNITIN, to scan it for plagiarism. However, other students did not have that requirement.
3. ) During the course of the semester, you had direct knowledge from emails I sent you and through personal conversation about the clients I served in the community who are mostly people of color, elderly, and disabled, being abused and ignored by the Social Work Department facing injustice. You saw emails and complaints from students in the program as well as professionals in the community testifying, decrying the Social Work department’s inability and carelessness in taking a stand or showing any leadership in the community as an institution who’s primary mission is to protect the vulnerable.

My field instructor, who has been practicing social work for over 40 years, also complained and personally came to the Social Work Department to decry the abuse, but was ignored. Instead, you chose to ignore the suffering and abuse of these people, allowing the Social Work Department to accuse me of charges because I exposed these social issues. As a social worker, our professional and ethical obligation is to act in the presence of injustice.

According to NASW Code of Ethics, as a license social worker, I believe you violated the following:
1.01 Commitment to Clients
Social workers' primary responsibility is to promote the well-being of clients. In general, clients' interests are primary.
4.02 Discrimination
Social workers should not practice, condone, facilitate, or collaborate with any form of discrimination on the basis of
race, ethnicity, national origin, color, sex, sexual orientation, age, marital status, political belief, religion, or mental or
physical disability.
.4.04 Dishonesty, Fraud, and Deception
Social workers should not participate in, condone, or be associated with dishonesty, fraud, or deception.

NOTE: I want a separate committee independent from the Social Work Department to conduct and handle all manners of this grievance process and investigation. Please forward this grievance to the appropriate department and concerned parties if you are not.

Best regards,

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