Sunday, February 8, 2009

Francine Montemurro: notice of unprofessional conduct grievance

Francine Montemurro/concerned parties:
This is to inform you that I am filing a unprofessional conduct grievance for the following:
1.) When I received a number emails early in September ’08 about a number of false charges filed against me by the MSW department, you were very interested in “helping” me and even went out of your way to collect every bit of documentation I had, eager to know my every next step. When I caught on to your intentions and confronted you on siding with the Social Work Department, you completely stopped communicating with me or responded to my emails.
It has been 3-4 months now and you still have not responded to emails I sent concerning assistance or clarification.
One of your main professional duties is to be neutral in all matters as the University Ombuds. You clearly have not been, rather you supported faculty and staff. It stated clearly on your website “The University Ombudsman is an advocate for fairness and equity, and does not take sides on behalf of any individual or cause. While maintaining impartiality…” (
2.) DISCRIMINATION: With all the lies and charges I had to face all semester, I have repeatedly contact you for help, but you chose to do nothing or even respond to my emails. Choosing who you provide services to as a state employee is prohibited.
Furthermore, as a public servant, my tax money and tuition should afford me the following which you absolutely ignored in your professional post:
“The University Ombudsman is the designated neutral or impartial dispute resolution practitioner whose major function is to provide confidential and informal assistance to constituents of the university community (including students, staff, faculty and/or administrators). The ombudsperson serves to protect against abuse, bias and other improper treatment or unfairness. Serving as a designated neutral, the ombudsperson is neither an advocate for any individual nor the organization, but rather, an advocate who acts as a source of information and referral, and assists in the resolution of concerns and issues.”
All of which you refused to do. Not only were your actions unethical, but the fact that this case is so widely familiar on campus, having gained national attention, your actions have severely damaged public trust and students ability to trust your office for support.
NOTE: I want this complaint to be investigated and documented. Please forward this grievance to the appropriate department and concerned parties if you are not.
Best regards,

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