Sunday, February 8, 2009

Student Support Letter II

November 1, 2008

Binghamton University
Ethics and Integrity Committee
Sharon L. Homes, PhD
Associate Professor
Chair of CCPA

This letter was an e-mail sent to Andre Massena ( It is also not sign as I am concern of repercussion the Department of Community and Public Affairs School of Social Work would do to my professional repetition.

Dear Dr Homes:

As a formal student and a professional in the community I as concern with the continuing lack of ethics and integrity the Binghamton University Department of Social Worker has done and is continuing to do to the gradate students. I also was not satisfied with my education I received from the department. I wish that I graduated at another University. I and other professionals continue to encourage others pretential students to seek other university than Binghamton. Unfortunately, this hurts the two to three good professors that still teach at Binghamton University. The better professors left the university (not all of them) and one was fired.

The department continues to talk about strength base methods, but they, “Do not practice what they preach.” In addition they teach power and privilege and they use their power over students that include intimidation students, making students feel worthless, and other unethical behaviors that include lying. I found with the University I was better off not to speak up or fight for justice. Unlike what is required as a Social Worker and according to the NASW (National Association of Social Workers).

It is my opinion Binghamton University Department of Social Work is not gotten better through years, but has gotten worse and they have lowered their standards. I thought that department would have gotten better since Dr. Laura Bronson was hired as the department chair, but have been less than happy with her performance and feel that Dr Robin Russell was more of a professional than Dr Bronson. I also have observed that she can not separate herself from the locality to her staff and friends when important issue arises with students.

Furthermore I think a separate entity that can report an honest representation of the past students whether they graduated successfully, or not to determine what changes the department needs to occur immediately so that future students do not have to experiences unjust treatment which is unprofessional and unethical behavior by a social worker. I believed this entity should be composted equally of formal students, (successful graduates, former unsuccessful graduates), professors in the school of social work, current students and professional that did not graduate from Binghamton University.

Thank your for taking the time to listen to me. Again I fear that I would be victimized by one to three staff members that would be vindictive to me if they knew I wrote this letter.

Former Student

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