Monday, February 9, 2009

Valerie Hampton: notice of unprofessional conduct grievance

Valerie Hampton/Concerned parties:
This is to inform you that I am filing an unprofessional grievance conduct for the following:

1.) RETALITION: I was informed by many people in the community, including professionals that Ebony Gaspard, a client of mine who was evicted with her family in late Septemberof '08, who I posted flyers all over to decry her treatment, is a blood relative of yours who you really cannot stand. When I informed you of all I was going through in your office, you simply ignored my emails and never responded to me.

It is going on 4 months now and I still have not received one email from you concerning the many charges and lies I have faced.

When I informed you of professor Stanley Barrets treatment of myself and of other students, you were not only active but instrumental in getting him fired from the MPA department. The fact that you had a personal vendetta against a family member, for what ever reason, does not give you the right to use your professional post as a public servant to punish and retaliate against me for doing my job as a social worker. That is simply unprofessional and unethical.

2.) DISCRIMINATION: Why you chose to ignore my emails and complaints of the many charges and lies I have faced from various departments is yet ot be clearly to be known. When Professor Barret made discrinatory statements to me and other students I advocated for, you seemed to respond with quick decisive action. After nearly 4 months, I am still waiting to hear from you. As a state employee, your primary duties are to serve the interest of the public and fulfill your duties fairly, but you have not, in my experience.

NOTE: I want this complaint to be investigated and documented. Please forward this grievance to the appropriate department and concerned parties if you are not.

Best regards,


  1. Please also check into what has been done to Binghamton MSW student Jessica Warters. It is a definite travesty of justice!

  2. The MPA is still at it..
