Sunday, February 8, 2009

Graduate Student Organization Support Letter

October 29, 2008

Dr. Lois B. de Fleur
Binghamton University

cc: Brian Rose, Vice President for Student Affairs
Laura Bronstein, Chair, Department of Social Work

Dear President de Fleur,

this is to inform you that the undersigned students are deeply concerned about the suspension of Andre Massena, former graduate student in the Department of Social Work, for supposedly having violated the University posting policy. We request you to take a stance in favor of Mr. Massena and advise the Judicial Affairs Board to drop all charges against said student as well as to reinstate his status as fourth-year full-time student in the Department of Social Work. It is a two year program and next semester is my last semester. I have only 2 classes then left to graduate. Only two classes left and they wont let me graduate.

We doubt the validity of the disciplinary measures undertaken by the Department of Social Work against Mr. Massena since the Department transferred the case to the Judicial Affairs Board – despite the fact that Mr. Massena had won the first hearing within his department.
I lost the first hearing in the department that I had on 9/17. I attached a copy of it for you.

We are alarmed about this case, because all evidence available clearly demonstrates that this case is not in the first place about a violation of the Student Code of Conduct concerning the guidelines for posting flyers at Binghamton University.

Rather, as becomes clear from the correspondence which Mr. Massena has received from his department, the issue centers around political disagreements concerning the contents of the posted flyers. The requirement for Mr. Massena's pending reinstatement in school is a formal statement of retraction in writing where he would indicate that “he does not agree with, and regrets the sentiments expressed [on the flyers distributed by him]” (notice from the Department of Social Work to Mr. Massena, dated September 2, 2008).

We strongly feel that Mr. Massena's First Amendment right to freedom of speech and expression has been violated by Binghamton University solely on the basis of a political disagreement. Additionally, according to his right to freedom of conscience, Mr. Massena acted as a responsible US citizen when he pointed out the “inhumane” activities of the Binghamton Housing Authority (BHA), the director of which is currently teaching social work at Binghamton University.

We appeal to the administrators of Binghamton University to bring a halt to this unfair and legally unjustifiable process against Mr. Massena. We urgently request you to ensure that the social environment of this university is one in which the civil rights and civil liberties of all students and scholars across the political and ideological spectrum are guaranteed. First and foremost amongst those rights should rank the right to freedom of speech and freedom of conscience on America's college campuses.

the Graduate Student Organization (GSO)

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