Saturday, February 7, 2009

Written Plan for Andre Massena
September 2, 2008

This written plan was created in the spirit of a strengths-based commitment to Mr. Massena’s professional and personal growth, with the hope of all parties moving forward in a positive manner.

Specific actions to be undertaken by Mr. Massena and the dates by which these actions must be completed follow:

1. Mr. Massena will withdraw from all MSW courses for which he is enrolled for the fall term of 2008. He will take a two-semester leave of absence (Fall 2008 and Spring 2009) from the MSW program, in order to reflect upon his readiness to enter the field of social work as a professional practitioner, given his actions during late August, 2008, and the likely as well as possible consequences (both immediate and long-term) of his actions to various individuals, the Dept. of Social Work, Binghamton University, the Greater Binghamton community, and his own professional development.

2. Mr. Massena’s leave of absence will be effective immediately. His eligibility to advance in the MSW program, according to the Dept. of Social Work’s Advancement protocols and procedures, is dependent initially upon his satisfactory completion of each facet of this written plan. The satisfactory completion of this written plan does not guarantee his continuance in the program in the future, but, rather, makes it possible for him to be eligible for continuance, according to the required “steps” of the program’s Advancement Policy. The earliest semester during which Mr. Massena will be eligible to re-enroll in MSW courses is Fall 2009, pending departmental approval.

3. Mr. Massena will review the entire MSW Student Handbook, including the Advancement Policy and the Social Work Contract that he signed upon admission to the program, and he will inform Dr. Bronstein, by September 16, 2008 (either via email or in person), that he has reviewed these materials thoroughly, and that he understands the seriousness of his actions during late August, 2008, in light of these programmatic guidelines, ethical requirements, and procedures.

4. A formal apology, in writing and/or verbally, will be made by Mr. Massena to all parties concerned by September 30, 2008. Dr. Bronstein and Dr. Wiener will discuss this “list” with Mr. Massena to be sure it is comprehensive. A copy of the written apology statements will be given to Dr. Bronstein by Mr. Massena, and will be placed in his confidential student file, along with the other materials related to this case.

5. By September 30, 2008, a formal statement of retraction will be written by Mr. Massena, to be signed and dated by him, and forwarded to the President of Binghamton University, the Binghamton University Dept. of Social Work, and the Binghamton Housing Authority, indicating that he does not agree with, and regrets the sentiments expressed in the following statement, which he promoted, initially, by distributing posters/leaflets at the University Downtown Center that said: “We will in no way, shape, or form apologize for any harm or inconvenience this poster may cause Binghamton Housing Authority or Binghamton University and their affiliates.”

6. Mr. Massena will make every effort possible and will inform Profs. Bronstein and Wiener of his efforts to end the process whereby students, service providers and community members approach the Dept. of Social Work in an effort to alleviate “wrong” they may see as occurring at the Binghamton Housing Authority. Documentation of such actions will be submitted by September 30, 2008.

7. By September 30, 2008, Mr. Massena will acknowledge verbally to Dr. Bronstein and Dr. Wiener that he understands that he is entitled to his opinions, and that taking responsibility for the harm that his actions have and may have caused is not the same as having these opinions.

8. By May 8, 2009, Mr. Massena will have completed an APA-formatted, 10-12 page critical reflection paper (in Times New Roman 12 point font, with one-inch margins). The paper will be submitted via email or hard copy to Dr. Bronstein and Dr. Wiener. The subject of this paper will be: “effective professional strategies in the ethical practice of ‘macro’ social work in the early 21st century.” Mr. Massena will be provided with an initial reference for this paper (a scholarly essay by Olson) by Dr. Wiener, and the essay by Olson will be the foundational premise from which Mr. Massena’s essay begins. Mr. Massena will be responsible for finding four additional “outside sources” to support his self-reflections; the development of his “professional use of self” will be evident in the paper, and the “outside” references are not meant to “trump” his own “voice.” In contrast, his “voice” should have primacy.

The subsequent “steps” of the Advancement Policy will thereafter apply.

By signing below, Mr. Massena agrees to all of the aforementioned requirements, and understands the seriousness of his present situation in relation to his professional and ethical conduct both as a student in the MSW program at Binghamton University and in his relationships with members of the Greater Binghamton community. He further understands that, as noted above, he is not guaranteed continuance at the MSW program at Binghamton University.

Mr. Massena is welcome to contact Dr. Bronstein and/or Dr. Wiener at any time with any questions or concerns that he might have about these or related matters.

Signed _____________________________________ Date _________________
Andre Massena

Signed _____________________________________ Date _________________
Laura Bronstein

Signed _____________________________________ Date _________________
Diane Wiener

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